European registration process - Guidelines for applicants - CLGs
Please note this important point!
Professionals working as specialists in Human Genetics can apply to the EBMG for registration in one of the three branches.
We recognise that some professionals may work across the branches to some extent, for example in some countries it is usual for a medical doctor to manage a laboratory. However, applicants can only apply for registration in the branch that reflects their MAIN professional activity.
Since 2017/2018 round we also accept applicantions of MDs which exclusively lead a clinical laboratory and see no patients from group 1, 2 and 3 countries, following application way of group 3-country-applicants.
IMPORTANT: We do not provide CLG-education! We certify already achieved excellence!
Subtypes of ErCLG and their core competences
During the application procedure, applicants may request one of the five different subtypes of ErCLG titles:
- European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (general)
- European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (focus on Clinical Genetics)
- European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (focus on Molecular Genetics)
- European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (focus on Biochemical Genetics)
- European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (focus on Tumorgenetics)
- NEW - TEST-phase - European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (focus on Bioinformatics)
see here
However, the CLG-branch board reserves the right to make the final decision in agreement with the applicant, which ErCLG certificate is finally issued.
Core competences
- Core competences for all subtypes of ErCLG titles
- understanding and interpretation of basic mechanisms in human genetics
- knowledge of patterns and modes of inheritance
- basic knowledge on metabolic disorders
- knowledge of common international nomenclature systems
- completely independent in use of basic as well as modern cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic techniques to provide a best possible diagnostic results in their own work field
- knowledge of medical ethical issues in diagnostics and research
- basic knowledge about prenatal genetic tests including risks and limitations
There is no difference between the 5 ErCLG titles in terms of one being more valuable/ above the other. They just shall help to show exactly in which fields the holder of the title has core competences. In case e.g. an “ErCLG with focus on Tumorgenetics” changed during the last 3 years field and does now only pre- and postnatal diagnostics he/ she may go either for “ErCLG focus on Clinical Genetics”.
- Specific core competences for European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (general)
This title confirms expertise in cytogenetics and molecular genetics (i.e. prenatal, postnatal and molecular genetics, or tumorcytogenetics and molecular genetics in oncology; knowledge on Biochemical Genetics is optional). Title confirms to have knowledge of how to organize/establish and lead a cytogenetic and molecular genetic laboratory.
- Specific core competences for European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (focus on Clinical Genetics)
This title confirms expertise in cytogenetics and/or molecular genetics in prenatal and or postnatal settings. Title confirms to have knowledge of how to organize/establish and lead a cytogenetic and molecular (cytogenetic) laboratory.
- Specific core competences for European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (focus on Molecular Genetics)
This title confirms expertise in molecular genetics in prenatal and/or postnatal diagnostics; tumorgenetics may be included. Title confirms to have knowledge of how to organize/establish and lead a molecular genetic laboratory. Bioinformaticians with sufficient background knowledge as outlines in the core curriculum may go for this title, as well.
- Specific core competences for European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (focus on Biochemical Genetics)
This title confirms expertise in biochemical genetics as applied e.g. in metabolic disorders or mitochondriopathies. Title confirms to have knowledge of how to organize/establish and lead a laboratory specialized in biochemical genetics.
- Specific core competences for European registered Clinical Laboratory Geneticists (focus on Tumorgenetics)
This title confirms expertise in cytogenetics and/or molecular genetics in oncological field. Title confirms to have knowledge of how to organize/establish and lead a cytogenetic and molecular (cytogenetic) laboratory.
Applicants working in Europe can apply for one of the 5 above mentioned ErCLG-titles.
Applicants working not in Europe can apply for one of the 5 above mentioned ErCLG-titles, and if approved they get the corresponding title with the prefix 'affiliated'.
When to apply?
Submissions are accepted only between July 15th and October 15th each year.
Submission procedure is explained below.
You may register here
How to apply?
The prerequisites for registration are based on the core curriculum for the ErCLG. As every country has different national education schemes the latter were aligned with nation-specific representatives (link).
According to that European and non-European countries were divided into 3 groups.
Group 1: countries with national CLG education scheme which is in accordance with the core curriculum for the ErCLG.
Group 2: countries with national CLG education scheme which is not in (complete) accordance with the core curriculum for the ErCLG. .
Group 3: countries without national CLG education scheme at all.
To check if the country where you come from and/or hold a national CLG certificate can be found here.
In case your country is not listed yet, please contact Dr. Thomas Liehr Thomas.Liehr(at) to learn how to proceed further. In principle practitioners / non-Medical Doctors working in Human Genetics diagnostics laboratories worldwide may apply for the ErCLG title.
Since 2016/2017 round we accept also applicants worldwide. Such applicants being eligible for the ErCLG title but not working in Europe can obtain the title 'affiliated ErCLG'.
Since 2017/2018 round we also accept applicantions of MDs which exclusively lead a clinical laboratory and see no patients from group 1, 2 and 3 countries, following application way of group 3-country-applicants. Also we now accept applications of Non-MDs from group 1 and group 2 countries, who have no chance to obtain the corresponding national title. However, each such applicant has a) to outline why it is never possible to obtain the national title and b) follow rules of group 3-country-applicants.
How to submit?
Here the process of registration for ErCLG for practitioners / non-Medical Doctors working in Human Genetics diagnostics laboratories is outlined.
First time registration
Applicants are asked to submit an initial application giving notification of their wish to register between July 15th and October 15th in each year. Those who are eligible to apply will be asked to submit their additional papers and pay the fee between November 30th and January 15th of the following year and will be informed of the outcome of their application by April 15th (only valid for applicants from group 1 and 2 countries).
Step 1: Start application between July 15th and October 15th each year.
Step 2: If you apply with a national CLG certificate find out if this makes you an applicant from a group 1 or group 2 country. If you have no national certificate you apply from a group 3 country. In case your country is not listed here then you have to contact Dr. Thomas Liehr Thomas.Liehr(at) before taking any further action.
Since 2016/2017 on we accept also applicants worldwide. Such applicants being eligible for the ErCLG title but not working in Europe can obtain the title 'affiliated ErCLG'.
Step 3: Find out if you are eligible to submit an application by reading “The requirements for application” below – the general and the group specific ones.
Step 4: Collect all necessary papers for online submission, and use our online submission system (only active between July 15th and October 15th in each year and between November 30th and January 15th of the following year ).
Renewal of certificate after 5 years
The process of renewal is organized in parallel and similar to the first time registration each year.
For renewal one needs to load up the last ErCLG certificate, the last academic degree, the last national CLG certificate (if available - not valid for applicants from group 3 countries), list their work experience of last 10 years and give witnesses who can confirm their data.
In a second step applicants are invited to pay the fees and if all was fine and all data was approved by witnesses the title will be issued dated 15. April of year after application.
The requirements for application:
General criteria to be fulfilled by all applicants from group 1, group 2 and group 3 countries
- Hold an M.Sc. and/or PhD qualification;
- Work under a contract for at least 5 years in Human Genetics, actively undertake laboratory diagnostics and sign reports for a minimum of 200 reports per year;
- Applicants working for more than 7 years should have signed reports during at least 3 of the last 5 years;
- Applicant need to follow during their work the "code of professional practice for clinical laboratory geneticists in Europe" - this has to be confirmed by your witnesses during step 2 of application;
- Ongoing education: at least 35 hours per year - to be recorded for the last 2 years before application (15h internal and 20h external ones);
- Fee has to be paid – as we have a 2 step submission system inviting for payment after an initial check for eligability, paid fees are not reimbursable.
N.B.: Not requested or evaluated are scientific records, like publication lists.
Additional specific criteria only to be fulfilled by applicants from group 1 countries
- Hold a valid national CLG certificate.
N.B. 1: An MD certificate does not replace a national CLG certificate.
N.B. 2: Applicants from group 1 countries without a national CLG certificate cannot apply for ErCLG title via ways opened for applicants from group 2 or 3 countries! However, we accept exceptionally applications of Non-MDs from group 1 and group 2 countries, who have no chance to obtain the corresponding national title. However, each such applicant has a) to outline why it is never possible to obtain the national title and b) follow rules of group 3-country-applicants.
Additional specific criteria only to be fulfilled by applicants from group 2 countries
Subgroup 2a (including FRANCE, RUSSIA and UK)
- Hold a valid national CLG certificate;
- At least overall 8 years of active diagnostic work in the field;
- Applicants working for more than 10 years should have signed reports during at least 3 of the last 5 years;
- Hold at least an M.Sc. in genetics or related field.
N.B.1: An MD certificate does not replace a national CLG certificate.
N.B.2: Applicants from group 2 countries without a national CLG certificate cannot apply for ErCLG title via ways opened for applicants from group 1 or 3 countries! However, we accept exceptionally applications of Non-MDs from group 1 and group 2 countries, who have no chance to obtain the corresponding national title. However, each such applicant has a) to outline why it is never possible to obtain the national title and b) follow rules of group 3-country-applicants.
Subgroup 2b (including LATVIA)
- Hold a valid national CLG certificate;
- At least overall 8 years of active diagnostic work in the field;
- Applicants working for more than 10 years should have signed reports during at least 3 of the last 5 years;
- At least 1 specialized course in Human Genetic diagnostics with a certificate proofing successful passing of a final test or daily tests and duration of the course of at least 3 days (link for courses).
N.B.1: An MD certificate does not replace a national CLG certificate.
N.B.2: Applicants from group 2 countries without a national CLG certificate cannot apply for ErCLG title via ways opened for applicants from group 1 or 3 countries! However, we accept exceptionally applications of Non-MDs from group 1 and group 2 countries, who have no chance to obtain the corresponding national title. However, each such applicant has a) to outline why it is never possible to obtain the national title and b) follow rules of group 3-country-applicants.
Additional specific criteria only to be fulfilled by applicants from group 3 countries
- At least overall 8 years of active diagnostic work in the field;
- Applicants working for more than 10 years should have signed reports during at least 3 of the last 5 years;
- At least 1 specialized course in Human Genetic diagnostics with a certificate proofing successful passing of a final test or daily tests and a duration of the course of at least 3 days (link for courses, which can be used);
- At least 1 specialized course in Human Genetic diagnostics with a certificate proofing participation and a duration of the course of at least 3 days (link for courses, which can be used);
- Examination by the EBMG Professional Branch Board for Clinical Laboratory Geneticists - date and place to be announced by January 15th of the year following the actual application round:
1. written exam to test theoretical knowledge.
2. individual oral discussion checking experience in diagnostics.
N.B. 1: If a group 3 country changes to a group 1 or 2 country, no applications via this route are possible, with immediate effect.
N.B. 2: Results of applications from group 3 countries will be announced after the examination date. This will always be later than for group 1 and 2.
Papers needed for application:
For step 1 – to be submitted between July 15th and October 15th:
- Online filled forms including list of professional experience and amount of reports and types of diagnoses (like prenatal cytogenetic, postnatal cytogenetics, tumor(cyto)genetics, molecular, etc.);
- Certificate of highest degree, i.e. M.Sc. or PhD;
- National CLG certificate (if available);
- In case of no national CLG certificate additional records (course participations).
For step 2 – to be submitted between November 30th and January 15th of the following year:
- Submission page for step 2 is only accessible after payment has been made and registered by the Vienna EBMG office;
- Online filled form: “Ongoing Education Record” including at least 15h internal and 25h external ongoing education per year; to be submitted for last 2 years.
- Reference letter(s) from present employer / principal and any employers over the last five years before submission of application) confirming amount of reports and types of diagnoses (the corresponding referees are invited to submit information online – i.e. they have to login individually; it is not the responsibility of the board if the referees submit their papers in time); also that the applicant follows the "code of professional practice for clinical laboratory geneticists in Europe"has to be confirmed by the persons serving as witnesses.
N.B.: Deadlines will not be extended. In case of missing a deadline, the submission is open again one year later. No exceptions are possible. Fees will not be reimbursed due to late submission.
Assessment of competence and registration process:
Assessment of competence and suitability to be placed on the register of ErCLGs is made by the EBMG Professional Branch Board for Clinical Laboratory Geneticists. All members of this group are experienced (Er)CLGs working in Human Genetics diagnostics in Europe.
Each application will be assessed by two members of the Board, if possible including one from the applicant's country and another member. Where there is any discrepancy in the assessment between the two assessors, the Chairman of the Board will be asked to make a decision. Those applicants who are asked to make minor amendments may resubmit these by December 15th for consideration, no further fee will be charged.
In a situation where the applicant experiences a serious event that is outside their control and interrupts their ability to submit the portfolio on time, they may apply to have these circumstances considered. They must inform the Chair of the Branch as soon as possible after the event and submit evidence to validate their application for an extension of time to submit. Where this is not possible within a reasonable period, they may be granted permission to submit the following year without paying a further fee.
Group 3 countries - examination:
Examination will be held normally together the annual ESHG-conference. Candidates will receive invitations by the board latest April 15th of the year after starting application. In case of more than ~30 candidates additional dates for examinations may be offered at different places around Europe. In case of passing the exam a certificate should be issued within 4 weeks by our office. In case of not passing the examination a complete new application can be submitted for the next round. Examination consists of 2 parts and is held in English language (mandatory!).
Part (a) is a written test, checking for theoretical background knowledge of the candidates;
Part (b) is an oral discussion, aiming to find out the diagnostic skills of the candidate. For this purpose, cytogenetic, molecular-cytogenetic and/or molecular genetic test results will have to interpreted and discussed. As we expect to meet here specialists in the field, we aim to have here a collegial conversation rather than a “testing situation”.
Tests have to be taken until 31.12. of the year after round 1 submission started.
A preliminary result of the outcome is given to the candidate directly after the test (written and oral). However, each case /cantidate and his/ her performance may be afterwards discussed in the EBMG Professional Branch Board for Clinical Laboratory Geneticists in more detail. Also written tests may be re-evaluated, if necessary also by external refrees. Final decision on the candidate's passing is always done only in full agreement of the board and communicated to the candidate as soon as possible.
The EBMG committee issuing ErCLG titles reserves the right to revoke a rewarded ErCLG title at any time, when it learns about incorrect information provided during the submission procedure. The corresponding holder of the title will for sure get a chance to answer the doubts, before any action is taken.
Application for registration | Includes assessment and initial five year registration cost | € 180 |
Renewal of registration for five years | € 100 | |
All fees are payable to the EBMG. After we make an initial assessment of your intention to register (round 1 of submission), we will send you details about how to pay your fee, either by debit/credit card or bank transfer during round 2 of submission. |