Genetic Nurses & Genetics Counsellors
Genetic Nurse & Genetic Counsellor Branch Board
- Joana Bengoa - France
- Alana Ward - Ireland
- Andra Ciuca - Romania
- Alekhya Narravula - Germany
- Clara Serra - Spain
- Gunda Schwaninger - Austria
- Irene Esteban Marcos - UK
- Roberta Rizzo - UK/Malta
- Rosie O'Shea - Ireland
Past Members
- Inga Bjornvoll - Norway
- Christophe Cordier - Switzerland
- Irene Feroce – Italy
- Deborah Lambert - Ireland
- Marion McAllister - United Kingdom
- Ramona Moldovan - Romania
- Milena Paneque - Portugal
- Heather Skirton - UK
- Elen Siglen - Norway
- Emeline Davoine - Switzerland
- Sara Pasalodos - Spain/UK
- Anna Abuli - Spain
What's new?
- Information required for Intention to Register
- New timeline and fees for registration
- Counselling supervision for genetic counsellors: Guidelines from the European Board of Medical Genetics - Genetic Nurse and Genetic Counsellors Branch Board